Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Round 2 Against That Pesky Scam Site

Im sure most of you read when I decided to do what I could to take down http://myhomebreware.com . If not, click here and read it.

Today, I woke up and my RSS reader was filled with new comments on my blog posts from almost a year ago to the post made just before this one (all in all, it was about 20 comments on 20 different posts). Each of these new comments that appeared overnight all had the same message and were all left by the same person. They were advertisements telling readers to visit MyHomebreware.

With a little help, I traced the IP and MAC Address left by these comments and it turns out that they were left by the person running MyHomebreware.

I have only one thing to say in response to this:



  1. Can you people start doing something that actually impacts these site negatively, instead of just complaining about it

    Click the heck out of their ads when you see them on Google Ads.

    Click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click = scam sites loosing money.

    So next time you are on your favourite Wii related website start clicking the heck out the brewwii.com & myhomebreware.com Google ads.

  2. How does clicking the ads make them lose money?

  3. They have to pay for advertising credits. Each click is deducted from their purchased ad credits.

    Repeatative clicking + not buying their homebrew packages = Them loosing money.

    If everyone clicked like 10-20+ times a day on their ads, it would become too expensive for them to advertise online; which is their primary source of traffic.

    SO CLICK AWAY ON THEIR ADS ON YOUR FAVORITE WII HOMEBREW SITES! Make them give back the money to the genuine Wii homebrew community.

  4. And France with you
    I pass the information on French sites

  5. I put a link to the "downloads" that the one scam site offers as news. The post is titled "Why pay for http://myhomebrewar e.com/ Here's the link for free!!"


  6. waouu you can see it http://xav91wii.free.fr/forum/viewtopic.php?p=8295#p8295 or http://newskeen.com/index.php

  7. Good idea, but we might aswell hit them at both fronts.

    Clicking on their ads repeatitivily on all your favourite wii homebrew sites + Easy to fine Free Download links publication = scammers losing money.

  8. Dont listen to the guy above me.
    Do you think the scammers get money from ads when they just sit there?
    No. The more clicks, the more money they get.
